Nelson Mandela

The article focuses on the different phases of life of Nelson Mandela from his childhood as he ascended as one of the most influential persons shaping not only the anti-apartheid movement but also the ability to shape South African politics like never before. It can be seen that his life transcends from the shifts of his beliefs from a radical perspective to that of an advocate of peace and international cooperation.
During his early years, he grew up in a traditional African family with the tribal system (Thembu) in effect during that time in Transkei South Africa. In here, it exhibited different customary practices that he wasnt able to succeed in the lineage of leadership but still maintained the surname of Mandela in place of his father (, 1993). It is through such interplay of relationship that the young Nelson Mandela shall be educated and honed in institutions such as Fort Hare University, University of South Africa and University of Witwatersrand (law).
The next phase of his life was during his involvement in the political activity. This was evident during the declaration of the apartheid policy of racial segregation. Since Mandela was an advocate against this principle, he together with the Afrikaner National Party (ANC) held different programs to oppose such ideas. With the influence and motivation of Mahatma Gandhi, he led programs such as the Defiance Campaign, Congress of the People, and the Freedom Charter (, 1993).
During his anti-apartheid campaign, he sought to reinstitute the ANC with the Spear of the Nation (Umkhonto we Sizwe). It can be seen here that he instigated radical campaigns that often involved sabotage campaigns and to the extent of starting a guerilla war (, 1993). Due to this, the actions of the party were considered to be terrorists by the United States and the outcome results to Mandelas arrest and conviction.
The next phase of Mandelas life revolves around handling the trial at Rivonia and his term in jail. During this case, he sought to justify the radical and approach towards the apartheid movement and how he believes this destroys the value and pride of the African people. It is through such process that he was sentenced to serve life imprisonment due to the gravity of the acts he committed (, 1993).
During his imprisonment in Robben Island, Mandela continued to influence the development of African politics. In this process, he sought to further his studies by studying law and expanding his skills in harnessing new involvement with people particularly in prison. After serving some years in this facility, he was transferred to Pollsmoor Prison and then to Victor Vester Prison to serve the remainder of his term until he was offered release in 1985 by President Botha (, 1993).
His release in 1990 came into place when he sought to reverse the ban with ANC and in here, we can see the transformation of Nelson Mandela towards an advocate of peace. It was in here that he spearheaded the new direction towards finding solutions to the problems of South Africa ( 1993). This then led to his victory in the presidential elections in 1994 and became the first black president to hold position. In here, he sought to stabilize the value and significance of African democracy and clamoring for peace and stability within the region.
n the end of the 90s, Mandela did not seek anymore for reelection because of his age. He instead focused on creating a more vibrant approach towards the campaign on AIDS and spends more time with his family during the remainder of his life. It can be seen here that throughout his career, he had spent his time examining new directions for revitalizing and addressing the present societal struggles in South Africa. It is his undying effort that he was able to establish the Elders and create a better way to induce change in a global context (, 1993).


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