My Story as a Writer

My father was a second generation Italian. He was fond of telling me real life stories and he always used Italian language to convey his narrations. I remembered that I used to translate his stories to English. Eventually, I always found the translated phrases funny. I knew they were both different languages hence they should not be transcribed literally.

I used to write down some of his stories in a notebook. This way, I knew I can always read them every time I wanted to. I became fond of writing down my fathers thoughts into my own words and rewrite them using the English language. Since then, I slowly learned to love writing. As time passed by, the stories were eventually added with my own unforgettable experiences at school. I was already a teenager at that time and sometimes I preferred to write down my thoughts instead of vocalizing them for the fear of being embarrassed in front of my classmates.

Although I was typically a shy student, I also did well in my writing classes. My favorite subject during high school was Journalism because it served as an avenue for me to do my favorite hobby in school. After a year, I joined the Writing Club. Since then, I was given the chance to attend certain writing seminars and trainings. I had the chance to make friends with other students who had the same passion like mine. We shared our experiences and we make constructive criticisms out of each others works. I read journals and books of successful and inspiring writers like Harper Lee, Maya Angelou and even William Shakespeare. I even read biographies and technical writing books. Most of the time, I also write essays and stories in my blogs. Months passed and I noticed that my writing skills were improved and were polished. I felt happy and became proud of myself.

As I looked back to the memories, I still feel jubilant of my success story. I can always remember my father every time I write stories because he was the one who strictly taught me that stories should suppose to have a beginning, middle and an end. I can still also recall the things that I learned from my writing classes and from the experiences I gained upon joining the Writing Club. I learned that to become a writer, all you have to do is to persevere and pursue your passion whatever it takes. I read a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson and I was greatly inspired. The quote goes like this Character is higher that intellectA great soul will be strong to live, as well as to think (, 2007).

Indeed, in order for us to become successful in our chosen career, we need to sacrifice and do our best to learn. Despite the hardships, we should continue to dream and learn from our mistakes. We may feel disheartened and disappointed from time to time but we should never give up.
Right now I am proud to say that my experiences indeed taught me valuable lessons in life. I am happy right now that I have achieved what I really wanted  that is, to become a good writer. Experience is definitely the best teacher.


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