Analyzing A Ghetto Wedding

The main characters of Abraham Cahans story entitled A Ghetto Wedding are Nathan and Goldy, a couple who had been engaged for almost two years already but had been postponing their marriage because of the brides wish to be granted a respectable wedding and not be wed in an ordinary way (Cahan, 1898). Though they were not rich, Goldy felt that on this special day, she deserved more special things because it is not every day that a woman is given the chance to get married. She does not want to be wed to her predestined one looking like a beggar maid so her dream wedding should not just be simple and ordinary (Cahan, 1898).

Some of Goldys demands include two carriages, a wedding bard, spacious ballroom for the venue, and even other luxurious items such as expensive carpets and pier-glass. Her unrealistic demands are formed because of the way of living that she lived and how much life had deprived from her. But because their savings could not cover for everything she wanted, theyve decided to move the marriage and work more to increase their budget for the wedding. For two years, Nathan worked hard to have sufficient money but in the end their savings only grew smaller and even when Goldy decided to reduce her expectations, the budget they have will just never be enough.

When you analyze the story as a whole, you will realize that Goldys expectations come from her previous experiences. Nathan and his bride are already orphans and they have lived an average life. But Goldy had seen their relatives and friends afford more than them so she had a brilliant plan of letting her guests shoulder most of what she wanted to see in her wedding. Goldy believed that other people would show them concern because of their situation in life and they dont need to work anymore because the carpets, pier-glass, and her other demands could be given gifts to them for their wedding. But as the story unfolded, no wedding gifts arrived. And on the night of their wedding day, Goldy realized what true marriage really means.


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