Antigones character has a very complex personality as a character in the story. Antigones character is very unpredictable throughout the play. One cannot be sure of what she will do because she tends to change directions all the time. It is because of her being unpredictable that makes her character seem very much hypocritical. She will say something but end up saying the total opposite. Her intriguing character makes people to guess on what her next words or actions will be. Her physique is quite boyish and she never liked her girlhood. Her character is the antithesis of a melodramatic female protagonist,

Her heroic characteristic is noticed when she speaks to Creon, reasoning for trying to bury her brother. She sneaks out twice reflecting a character of a hero but more so when she defied Creon. However, the unpredictability of her character catches up because in a short span of time her being heroic made her look quite selfish. She wanted to bury her brother because of herself. Her actions were done in order to satisfy her personal needs. Her character being a tragic hero is manifested with her having a high social position and being persistent when it comes to her actions.

A seen characteristic of Antigone that is constant all throughout the story is her stubbornness. From start to finish, her stubbornness was seen as in beginning of the play, Antigone sneeks out to bury her brother, even after Creon had specifically reminded her not to. And at the end of the play, she chose death over the opportunity to marry Haemon and stay alive. Obviously, her stubbornness ultimately killed her. There was no easy way out for her especially when in compromises her beliefs, for she always fight everything as long as possible. The first time she was found out, Creon confronts her but she pushed on that she had to do it for Polynices. But when the time came that she changed her story that she had to bury him herself, and still she said she was bound to do it, representing Antigone who wanted to look innocent by saying she had to do it. Is she innocent or not  The question went on throughout the play. Even the description of her character being stubborn gives her prevalence of stubbornness in all. Her character is a complex mix of emotions, thus making her the most complex in all of the play.

In Antigones view the dead will give her honor in the afterlife once she goes through with it  hence she killed herself. Even if she didnt do it, shed die in time so why not do it with a bang. Her character decided to be in charge and take matters personally because of her anger. She decided that she would rather kill herself than let Creon be satisfied of the deed. Antigones character catches the attention and sympathy of the people with her actions, regarding her as tragic hero in the story.

Her variations as a character made her the most interesting of all the characters in the play. She is not the most beautiful of all the characters but she shines in a bright and beautiful way. Very unpredictable and complex, Antigo.


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