The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Chapter one of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is about a young man who has to completely change his lifestyle and how he deals with and thinks about that.  At the beginning of the chapter he says, You dont know about me, without you have read a book by the name of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer but that aint no matter.(Twain, 1999). He talks a little about the previous book for those that had read it and lets the rest of us know who he is talking about, such as Aunt Polly and Mary.  This paper is a short review of that chapter.
Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Adventures of Tom Sawyer had finally found the money that the robbers had squirreled away in the cave.  The amount they found was 6,000 and Judge Thatcher put it in the bank and they collect interest on that so everyone thinks they are rich including themselves.  Well with rich comes the need to be civil so Huck now lives with the Widow Douglas who is going to teach him to be a gentleman.
Huck tells us about all of his trials and tribulations during this stay.  At first he couldnt stand it so he put his rags back on and ran away but Tom Sawyer found him and told him he was going to start a band of robbers but he could not join unless he went back to the widows place so he did. 
He had to mind his manners at the table could not smoke and could not put his feet up on the furniture.  He could use snuff because the widow did.  The widow told him all about the good place and the bad place.  In the good place there were angels and harps which he thought would be boring but decided to go to the bad place with Tom. We are then led into Chapter 2.


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