Human resource management.

After completely analyzing and evaluating the corporate strategy and the operating environment of PFA, it has been concluded that the company has a very sound and successful future if it follows its vision and mission accurately. But in doing so, PFA would have to undertake a few HRM actions so that nothing stops it from completing its vision and becoming as successful and profitable as ever. Before, recommending the HR actions, it is important that we understand what appropriate human resources are. Appropriate human resources refer to the individuals within the organization who make a valuable contribution to management system goal attainment (Ropo, 1993).

A-First HRM action
First of all, PFA would have to make efforts in the employee recruitment area because in order to be highly productive and efficient, the company would need a hardworking, talented and effective workforce. Therefore, first of all, PFA would have to make efforts in recruiting effective and efficient human resources through the process of job advertisements, job descriptions and job specifications in order to find the most suitable and appropriate employees in order to make the production efficient and effective.

B- Second HRM Action
Secondly, PFA would have to undertake actions in the selection process of human resource management. Selection is basically the process of choosing an individual to hire from all those who have been recruited.
Therefore, PFA would have to take aptitude tests, achievement tests, vocational interest tests and personality tests in order to select the most appropriate candidate out of all the recruited employees. Accurate and effective selection will help PFA to find the most efficient and hardworking workforce, who would try to achieve their own personal goals through the goals of the company (Bray  Waring, 2006).

C- Third HRM Action
The third HRM action that PFA would have to take in order to increase its efficiency and effectiveness would be to undergo the process of employee training. After recruitment and selection, the next step in providing appropriate human resources for the organization is training. Training is basically the process of developing qualities in human resources that will enable them to be more productive and thus to contribute more to organizational goal attainment. If PFA is successful in training its employees with the latest skills and technology, then no competitors can beat PFA in its efficiency and high productivity.

Recommendation of HR strategy
Human resource management has become increasingly important for organizations all over the world because workers have to be constantly trained to keep in pace with the constant changes in technologies, processes and working methods. Since, the social and economic contexts of the world too, are changing due to globalization, the human resource strategies and policies of organizations also change to adjust. The concept of HRM is not only about training employees but is based on learning as well. Those organizations that rely on HRM have a constant process of employee, and even organizational learning (Ropo, 1993).
Moreover, in my view HRM is a broad term, as it includes not simply training but it also encompasses development and education. Therefore, the employees of PFA should have proper training employee development and education because they are the most acceptable measures for todays changing global environment. The training segment of HRM is basically to enhance the physical skills of workers, while education relates to the school system and what has been learnt since childhood employee development determines the individual growth in the work place and also outside the organization in the social and economic world. Once an employee of PFA has experienced all of these three segments, heshe can be extremely efficient and effective for the success of the HRM strategy, which in turn is going to be very beneficial for PFA as a whole.

A. First reason for this recommendation
 Therefore, I would suggest that PFA not only works on improving its employee recruitment, selection and training but it should also make efforts in the process of performance appraisal, which is the final step of the process of HRM. Performance appraisal is basically the process of evaluating the past performance of the workers to find out what contribution they are making towards the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The performance of modern organizations has to be improved constantly at all times to in order to stay competitive and to achieve maximum success, productivity, sales and profitability. Without the interference and help of the employees, no manager can obtain successful results of the performance appraisal program.

B. Second reason for this recommendation
Research has proven that performance management is of extreme importance for organizations and managers, who do not focus their efforts in the performance management of employees because leaving employees totally isolated and on their own with no communication with them can lead to drastic results in output and quality standards. Therefore, PFA should take this HR strategy recommendation seriously so that it works more effectively towards competitive business strategy (Peetz, 2005).

A. The first critical factor
When PFA decides to expand and launch its operations in the UAE, then the most important critical factor that will affect the companys HRM in the country would be the situation of workforce adjustment, that is, difficulty of employees in adjusting to a new culture. When PFAs employees would have to adjust in a different organizational and environmental change in the UAE, they would experience confusion, anxiety and stress as well. If the employees are not properly made to adjust in the UAE, PFA can suffer from the failure of its HRM strategy and result with low productivity and low levels of worker motivation in the UAE. Therefore, this is a critical factor that the company would have to deal with immediately and effectively (Allan, Bamber  Timo, 2006).

B. Second critical Factor
Secondly, PFA can face the critical factor of diversity with this decision of expanding in the UAE. Diversity of ideas and ways of working in a different country can clash between the employees of PFA in the US and in UAE. This can lead to the failure of the HRM strategy of PFA because when the workforce would have differences amongst themselves they would not work with motivation and dedication, which in turn would lead towards low efficiency and low productivity.

C. Third Critical Factor
Lastly, expanding operations in the UAE would bring new technology and machinery and different methods of working due to which PFA would have to spend money and efforts in providing its employees with appropriate training. This critical factor would be time consuming and expensive for PFA, as PFA would also have to provide language learning programs for its employees to properly adjust in the working environment of UAE. If the employees of PFA would not know the Arabic language they would not be able to be efficient and effective while working in that country. Therefore, in order to be perfectly successful and efficient in its HRM strategy in the UAE, PFA would have to solve all these critical factors. (Sheehan, Holland  De Cieri, 2006).


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