City of Glass

Daniel Quinn is doubled by Peter Stillman, while there are at least three Peter Stillmans in City of Glass Stillman is triplicate.

    The novel City of Glass was originally written by the author Paul Auster in the mid 1900s. It was however adapted by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli and given a graphic effect. The novel is very intriguing and the author has incorporated suspense, language and fascination to make the novel one of the best sellers in the market. The point of view has been brought out by segregating the world in the story and the real world and to that effect the novel has borne that catchy effect on all of its readers. It is captivating and integrates a twist that springs out enchantment.

    The aim of this essay is to study the book by Paul Auster with the eye of literature. The author has incorporated many concepts of literature in the text and one of them is the concept that is found in the thesis statement. The essay is intended to discuss the statement in regard to the mentioned characters in the novel and then attempt to make clear the reason why the character Daniel Quinn is doubled by Peter Stillman, while there are at least three Peter Stillmans in City of Glass. Stillman is triplicate.

About the Novel
    The City of Glass is a novel that can be classified as incomparable, horrendous and at the same time very fictitious. The book opens with an introduction to one of the characters Daniel Quinn. Mr. Quinn is a lonesome writer, who has suffered the loss of his wife and thus leaving him a widower. His interest in books serves as a means by which the writer keeps himself busy and fulfills his worldly dreams. Quinn being a writer concentrates on writing stories and novels that involve detectives. In his books, mysteries have been solved and justice has been served. He writes under the category pseudonym where he pitches up a stage name to the detective characters in his books but in real sense he is writing out his dream. (Mazzucchelli, 1994)

    The character Quinn is destructed one night from his usual writing of detective stories and novels by a call from an unknown person. The caller calls in looking for a certain detective Auster from the Auster Detective Agency. The call intrigues the writer, Mr. Quinn and even after putting down the hand set he keeps thinking of the scenario. He decides to impersonate the detective and at least have a chance to live out the stories in his novels as a detective.

    The story is chiefly based on the way in which this personification by the writer leaves a twist in his life that he cannot unwind. The depressed Quinn plunges from his normal miserable writing life and into utter mania and lunacy. The mystery caller is named further into the novel as Peter Stillman, a man who has suffered torment and who speaks in such a way as to bring out some sort of intonation, rhythm and style. This aspect of the second character blends in the topics of truth and fiction. (Mazzucchelli, 1994)

    The case behind the call for a detective is one that involves the torture and anguish that has been experienced by Peter from his father. The case involves the misinterpretation of literature and this case it is literature from the Bible. Peters father believed that his son could be able to learn how to speak the language of God if he is kept out of the real world so that he cannot learn the languages of the world. The Bible story involved is the Tower of Babel where the Lord separated the languages and everyone spoke there own language as a means of stopping the sinful acts that where going on. The Lords intention was to ensure that the people could not communicate to each other and with lack of communication sin would come to an end. As a result of this language separation, there came up different language speaking individuals in the world.

    For nine years, Peters father could thrash him thoroughly each time he was heard speaking the earthly language. After a period of time, Peters father was jailed and Peter was taken into a rehabilitation center where he could recover. At the time the call was made to the wrong number Peters father had been released from the prison and Peters wife decided to hire a detective who would protect Peter Junior from his fathers abusive nature. (Mazzucchelli, 1994)

    To Quinn, this was a perfect opportunity for him. He could finally live up his long awaited life as a detective and this could get his life off from the routine and boring life. In his view this would be a prefect way to excite his life. New York City being the place that Quinn lived would become his isolate protecting him from the real world. What Quinn did not know was that he was plunging his life into a state of mystification which he could never be able to recuperate from.

Daniel Quinn is doubled by Peter Stillman, while there are at least three Peter Stillmans in City of Glass Stillman is triplicate

In order to understand the thesis statement in literature terms, it is very important that we divide it into two sections. The first section is whereby Daniel Quinn is said to have been doubled by Peter Stillman. The word doubled in English means twice or into two. By saying that Quinn was doubled, in context to the novel, means that Quinns life and character was split into two. There is only one Quinn in the novel but when compared, the character is totally different at the beginning and at the end of the novel.

While reading the book the reader is faced with a number of questions in his mind about Quinn. Is Quinn one character or are there other character forms of him in the same name Quinn in the beginning of the book is a person who has disconnected himself from the world totally. He doesnt write because it intrigues him but because it makes his life move from day to day. As the story continues, Quinns character is like two in one. He is portrayed as detective Auster but at the same time his name is Quinn. This is the kind of twist that brings about the concept of Quinn being doubled.

In a different light, being the detective to the case where he serves to protect Peter Stillman junior from his father who used to abuse him, also brings out the concept of doubling. Peter Stillman is a man who was in rehabilitation for a long time due to the anguish and distress that his father had brought him into. Peter Stillman senior on the other hand is a strange man. Part of the detective work was to follow him all over the City of New York to ensure that he does not project any kind of harm to his son. In the process of acting as detective Max Power, Quinn in turn adopts the qualities of the man that he wanted to protect another man from. This clearly brings out the doubling effect since Quinn changes to a person who is rooted into the strangeness of the language discourse without even realizing it.

The second part of the thesis statement is the one whereby it states that, there are at least three Peter Stillmans in City of Glass Stillman is triplicate. The statement is true in that when the story by Auster is looked at more keenly, there are actually three characters under the name Peter Stillman. The most obvious is the one whereby the author uses the name Peters Stillman to mean father and son but distinguishing the two with the term senior or Sr. for the elder. Peter Stillmans father is not given his own stage name in the novel rather he is referred to as Peter Stillman Sr. and the son is just Peter Stillman.

The third character of Peter Stillman is that of the acting detective Quinn. At the end of the novel it is said that the case is solved and Peter Stillman senior is healed of his delusion that he can create his own Tower of Babel in his modern day and age and his son is free from all the suffering that his father had put him through for the nine years. The novel could have a happy ending but the impossible happens and Quinn adopts the notion by Peter Stillman senior and he becomes part of the discussion of the nature of language.
This brings us to a triplicate of the name Peter Stillman in the novel, since Peter Stillman number one, is the son number two is the father and number three is the acting detective Quinn. Quinn is grouped under the name since he follows soot and his character changes to the character of Peter Stillman Senior. Therefore the statement that Peter Stillman is triplicate is true.

Literature can be very twisted. Aspects that on the first reading seem to paint one picture can also portray a totally different picture on a deeper sense. The novel City of Glass brings out this aspect of literature. The characters Daniel Quinn and Peter Stillman have been used to bring forth a double and a triple effect. The name City of Glass is a symbolization of life. Just like a glass whereby one can see through to the other side the image and the character of another individual can be projected as clear a glass in our own lives.


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