Hemingways Expertise to Coin Metaphors

The greatness of a writer lies to a great extent in his image making capability and the creativity of a writer is exposed in the metaphors he coins. Here, Ernest Hemingway, in his short story The End of Something, shows great originality through a number of similes and metaphors. Contributing greatly to the significance of his imagery he achieves a new meaning and richness. Hemingway has wonderfully blended the form and idea of the anecdote through his skilful handling of the imagery.

In this short story, if we analyze the firs term, we perceive that the author narrates about a place, Hortons Bay, which was a lumbering town. Once it was a very busy and populous place where was a sawmill where logs were cut with the saws to make lumber. But suddenly the mill collapses because the supply of logs was not abundant and one day The lumber schooners came into the bay and were loaded with the cut of the mill that stood stacked in the yard. The heaps of timber were taken away. The detachable machinery was taken out along with the two large saws and all those things were carried away which made the mill a mill and Hortons Bay a town.

This story tells us about a deserted place and two people, Nick and Marjorie who are the major characters. After a long period of ten years while Nick and Marjorie came to fish by the side of the beach, they saw the deserted place where once the mill was there and for which the town was full of people. Similarly, the relation between Nick and Marjorie comes to an end. Marjorie is one kind of character who loves nick, loves to fish with Nick. Once they came to fish by the sea beach. Suddenly Nick says that the fish are not going to be caught. Here the author wants to reveal the present situation of Nicks mentality and uses fish as metaphor. Here as Nicks speech- But they wont strike. This speech proves that Nick loses his affection to Marjorie.

Mutability is the main theme of this short story. Hemingway, in this short story, by the passage of time, attempts to divulge the theme of changeability in nature and in human mind or relation and also tries to reveal the similarities between nature and human life. As we see The broken mill represents Nick and Marjories broken relationship. The town, Horton Bay, was indeed a busy and crowded place and famous for its lumbering works. But now the town is isolated and lost its previous phase. Similarly, Nick lost his interest to Marjorie.

After ten years while Nick and Marjorie rowed along the sea beach they saw the mill, which was ruined, but still contains the sign that once there was the mill. They were setting night lines to fish with trailing bait. Marjorie wants to attract Nicks concentration saying, Theres our old ruin. Nick rows and looks at the white stone in the green trees. Suddenly Marjorie asks Nick that can he bear the moment in his mind when the mill was subsided. Nick says he can barely remember the period immediately. Again Marjorie says the ruined mill seems more like a castle. But Nick keeps himself wordless. Nick keeps rowing and gets them quite distant from the sight of the mill. Because Marjorie feels curiosity in ruined mill but Nick doesnt. Marjorie always likes a beautiful night when Nick stays beside her. But Nick is quite unconcerned to Marjorie. He relation between Nick and Marjorie gets into an end like the mill was broken and the town turned into a deserted place.

The first part of this short story of Hemingway thus embodies the accurate and shrewd observations of an author regarding man and life. Terse, compact and packed with thought, informed by a sharp and keen intellect, the style as well as the matter appeals to a wide range of readers. Full of practical wisdom and keen insight into human nature and life in general, the first part of this short story does indeed. From the above analysis, the story reveals that in the very beginning the process of the broken mill has described through vivid imagery. We are amazed to note how skillfully the author has used similes and metaphors to give the story a coherent meaning.      


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