Personal Literary Influences

History has been filled with creative artists in a variety of fields. Much of the contribution has come in the field of literary works. Writers have tackled taxation without representation, civil rights, womens rights, abortion, euthanasia, and numerous religious and political views. Writers have also influenced the creative minds of children through fairy tales, stories of adventure through countless time periods, imaginative accounts of history and culture. Words surround us and have influenced...

Dickinsons The Brain is wider than the sky

Emily Dickinson, one of the enigmatic poets of the nineteenth century in her poem The Brain  is wider than the sky attempts to compare and contrast human brain with three entities namely the sky, the sea and God. This poem provides a deep insight into the creation of God Almighty on one plane and on other hand provides a profound scientific enquiry in simple terms. This essay explores the significance of the creations of God and emphasizes the superiority of God over all His creations....
Sylvia Plaths Mirror presents the truth of the personas functionits ability to reflect what it sees through its glass no more, no less. This is also an inherent function of art and literature. Like the mirrors function in the poem, it has the ability to reflect life as how it happen. Personification is one of the literary devices used in the poem. This is through giving an inanimate object the ability to speak, which is a human trait. In understanding the bigger role of the mirror as a reflection...

Racial Discrimination in Absalom.

Absalom, Absalom is a world renowned novel of William Faulkner published in 1936. It is a tragic novel that revolves around a familys unfortunate demise because of their patriarchs ambitions and mainly racial discrimination and prejudice. Faulkner also presented in this novel the steady decline of the south which his plagued by corruption and discrimination. The novel also touched themes regarding incest, miscegenation and community values. This novel largely helped Faulkner win his Nobel Prize...
Antigones character has a very complex personality as a character in the story. Antigones character is very unpredictable throughout the play. One cannot be sure of what she will do because she tends to change directions all the time. It is because of her being unpredictable that makes her character seem very much hypocritical. She will say something but end up saying the total opposite. Her intriguing character makes people to guess on what her next words or actions will be. Her physique is quite...

Voyeurism and violence in American society

In the wake of current events, one cannot help but just assume that America is more violent than it has ever been. However, violence has been in the world as well as in the United States since time immemorial. The only thing that has happened is that it has changed and taken on a new form. Crimes do not choose the group of people they are going to affect they occur to everyone regardless of their religion, age group, ethnic group, and socioeconomic status (Trend, p 17). The current trend in crime...


Tone does to literature what cinematography does to a movie.  Regardless of the kind of literature, tone is important in setting the mood of a literary piece and creating a pseudo atmosphere conducive to the reader of a literary piece.  Why is this necessary  Literature is considered as an elite art form and literary appreciation requires a certain level of intelligence.  Other than this, the only visual input that one would get from literature are the words on the page, or...